We believe that the experiences and inputs of trans & NB patients are necessary in the process of developing acceptable trans & NB medical care standards. As such, we consult with the Student Society of McGill University, other LGBTQ+ and medical student organizations, and the EDIC Subcommittee on Queer People, to advocate for better standards of care at the McGill Student Wellness Hub for trans & NB patients.

As such, the TPU meets at least once a semester with members of the McGill Wellness Hub, including the one doctor providing trans-related care, to discuss issues patients have raised regarding access and health practices.

The TPU advocates for changes to care based on agreed upon policies by our members, see our current policy made with the help of SSMU and the CEHI.

If you’d like to learn about the changes to the HRT process that have happened since the TPU has been active, see our document on the History of HRT and Proposal for HRT Process at the McGill Wellness Hub